We invite proposals for papers relevant to the CoLIS 2025 conference themes presented in the Call for Contributions. Accepted papers will be published in Information Research. A signed Consent-To-Publish form is required for all final accepted papers.  

If your work is accepted for presentation at the conference, at least one co-author will need to register during the Early Bird Registration period and present the work at CoLIS 2025 in Glasgow, Scotland, UK. The organizers reserve the right to withhold publications if these conditions are not met.   

Important Dates 

  • Submission for all categories via EasyChair: Monday 9th December 2024 
  • Notification: end of January 2025 
  • Revised submissions: end of February 2025  
  • Final notification and acceptance: Mid March 2025 
  • Final submission – camera ready: end of March 2025 
  • Registration: from February 2025 
  • Conference dates: 2–5 June 2025 

Full Papers: Original and unpublished research of relevance to CoLIS may be submitted as a full paper. The maximum length of a full paper is 5500 words + references.

Short papers: Similarly to full papers, short paper submissions must describe original and unpublished work. A short paper could present a more focused study of smaller scope than a full paper. For example, work in progress, preliminary research analysis, or late-breaking results are suitable for short papers. The maximum length of a short paper is 2000 words + references.

Please submit your paper using the template for full and short papers: paper template CoLIS 2025. 

Guidelines for resubmitting your paper  To incorporate reviewers’ feedback, we can offer all paper authors an extension of maximum 500 words for full papers and 250 words for short papers. This means your final full paper may not exceed 6000 words excluding references, figures and tables and your final short paper may not exceed 2250 words excluding references, figures and tables.

The paper should be re-submitted in word format through EasyChair (resubmission deadline is end of February 2025). 

Final decisions on acceptance in the conference programme will be made by the CoLIS 2025 Paper Chairs together with the General Chairs:  

Dr Perla Innocenti, University of Strathclyde (CoLIS Paper Chair and General Conference Chair) 

Dr Emma Nicol, University of Strathclyde (CoLIS Paper Chair and General Conference Chair) 

Prof Nils Pharo, Oslomet Metropolitan University (CoLIS Paper Chair) 

Prof Ian Ruthven, University of Strathclyde (CoLIS Paper Chair and General Conference Chair)