COLIS 2025 invites proposals for panels that engage with the conference themes and bring together participants to offer debate and new insights into emerging topics within COLIS’s areas of interest. A panel should have at least three, but not more than five participants. Panels are expected to involve the active exchange of ideas instead of being sessions consisting of a series of paper presentations.  COLIS 2025 also invites proposals for alternative forms of interactive scholarly events. Alternative events may include demonstrations, storytelling, or other participatory forms. 

Special attention will be given to innovative and creative panel and alternative event proposals that engage audience participation interactively, including non-verbal communication modes and artistic media (storytelling, quizzes, painting, drawing, music, poetry, dance, arts and crafts). 

Panels and alternative events are scheduled for 90 minutes.  

For panels at least two organisers must register during the Early Bird Registration period and present the work at the COLIS 2025; for alternative events, at least one organiser must register during the Early Bird Registration Period. All organisers and presenters must register for and attend the conference. It is not possible to have hybrid panels where some panel members participate virtually. The organizers reserve the right to cancel panels if these conditions are not met.  

A shortened version of the panel proposals will be available in the conference program; however, panel proposals are not published in the official conference proceedings.  


  • Submission for all categories via EasyChair: Monday 9th December 
  • Notification: early February 2025 
  • Registration: from March 2025 


Panels and alternative events are scheduled for 90 minutes. Please limit your proposal to a maximum of 3-5 pages. Proposals should include the following information; please use these as subtitles in your submission:  

  • Title of panel/alternative event 
  • Names, affiliations, and email addresses of the panel organisers  
  • Purpose and contribution to the conference theme  
  • Summary of content   
  • Proposed format: draft schedule, explanation of how it will engage with the audience  
  • Maximum number of participants 
  • Duration of interactive/art-based activities 
  • References  
  • Special requests/equipment and space needs  

Please use the COLIS 2025 panel template as a format guideline.  

All proposals should be submitted to the COLIS 2025 EasyChair submission system and submitted as a pdf. Final decisions on acceptance in the conference programme will be made by the COLIS 2025 Panel Co-Chairs.  


Professor Fidelia Ibekwe, Aix-Marseille University, France 

Dr Rebecca Noone, University of Glasgow, UK